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Toyota Land Cruiser Colorado 1995-2002 Troop 2 Roof Rack


The Troop 2 roof rack will fit your Toyota Land Cruiser Colorado 1995-2002 and is a hugely popular expedition roof rack, which is clearly due to the robust design and the amazing stability. This very traditional roof rack has been tried and tested under the harshest conditions such as the Australian outback or the rugged terrain of the Middle East.

What makes the Troop 2 such a perfect roof rack is the fully integrated, raised guard rail which runs the whole perimeter of the base. This rail sits firmly above the floor section and easily prevents loads from moving around. Loads can then be stacked up in confidence that no matter what challenges the Troop 2 will face, it will meet them head on!

The The Troop 2 is the perfect solution for storing cases, wheels, bikes or anything you need for the long journey.

Features Include:

  • Full 2 stage, black powder coated Q235A steel (genuine powder coated and not just spray painted) for a longer life.
  • Massive, 32 mm (1.25 inch) diameter tube, sub frame system! This runs around the outer perimeter and across the centre at 4 intervals, creating the toughest possible construction. The corners are mandrel bent rather than welded making the run seamless.
  • The impressive guard rail is the same thickness diameter tube as the base frame, and is amalgamated to the base with box section, welded, steel uprights.
  • Tough, sturdy floor surface which consists of fully welded mesh base, the mesh squares are 25 mm x 25 mm, to give a strong and safe platform. They are welded right up to the edge of the sub frame.
  • Traditional, fully raised guard rail section, enables you to use it for securely keeping large loads within the rack
  • Front spotlight points. There are a series of spotlight mounting holes (12mm diameter) along the front edge. With potential of adding up to 5 spotlights.
  • The guard rails have 10 tough lashing hooks welded to it, 2 on the front,2 on the back and 4 on each side, enabling you to firmly tie loads securely to the base.
  • There are also two brilliantly useful accessory mounts at the front and rear, where you can mount a search light, work light, beacon, radio ariel etc  directly above the drivers window for the front mount, so you can simply reach up and adjust when needed.
  • 6 x Massive, heavy duty brackets which fix using 6 x 8mm bolts per bracket! Each bracket fixes to the roof gutter using the hooking mechanism.
  • Out of the box full rack rather than the weaker modular racks.
  • Even the nuts used are nylock ones rather than standard!
  • Makes packing up easier as everything is already attached to the vehicle.


  • The weight of the rack is 61kg - super heavy duty!
  • The bracket height (from gutter to the base of the rack) is 125 mm (5 inches) 
  • The length is 1800mm (71 inches).
  • The width is 1240mm (49 inches).
  • The brackets are 125mm (5 inches) high.
  • Easy bracket assembly.
  • Strong construction.
  • Please note: This steel roof rack is designed to fit only to vehicles with rain gutters, but with very simple additions (not included with the kit) would also mount to raised cross bars or roof rails.

This is a brilliant addition to your Toyota Land Cruiser Colorado 1995-2002 and comes foam wrapped and boxed for a safe delivery. Vat is included in the price and a receipt will be sent with the delivery


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Direct 4x4 Manufacturing Ltd.
Unit 2, Mason's Place Business Park
Nottingham Road
Derby DE21 6YZ

Vielen Dank!

Zunächst einmal möchten wir uns für Ihr Interesse an der Pflege und Erhaltung unserer Produkte recht herzlich bedanken!

Alle unsere Trittbretter, Schwellerrohre, Frontschutzbügel, Überrollbügel, Dachgepäckträger und Halterungen, sowie Montagezubehör, sind aus hochwertigen und robusten Materialien hergestellt und wurden unter einer Qualitätskontrolle nach Qualitäts-Standard QS-9000 (ISO9002) gefertigt. Sie werden daher viele Jahre Freude an Ihrem neuen Zubehör haben.

Wie mit allem, ist es auch mit Ihrem neuen Autozubehör empfehlenswert, diesem dann und wann etwas Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken.

Pflegehinweis Trittbretter / Schwellerrohre

Straßensalz ist z.B. sicher nicht der beste Freund eines Autos im Allgemeinen; wenn Sie jedoch im Winter 2 x eine Unterbodenwäsche in einer Waschstraße machen lassen, werden Ihre Trittbretter, oder Schwellerrohre, noch nach vielen Jahren wie aus dem Ei gepellt Ihren Wagen verschönern.

Eine Sache geht jedoch gar nicht und das sind Waschstraßen wo der Mitarbeiter nicht nur die Felgen, sondern gleich den ganzen Wagen rundherum mit hoch aggressivem TFR Felgenreiniger (Traffic Film Remover), einsprüht um z.B. Teerrückstände zu beseitigen. Solche hochätzenden Reiniger zerfressen nicht nur die Trittbretter und Schwellerohre, sondern machen ggf. ebenfalls die Kunstoffleisten an Ihrem Wagen porös und bleichen diese mit der Zeit aus.

Pflegehinweis: Trittbretter, Schwellerrohre, Frontschutzbügel und Überrollbügel

Zur optimalen Pflege Ihres Edelstahl-Zubehörs und Teilen, empfehlen wir das Produkt AUTOSOL® Edelstahl-Politur.


AUTOSOL® Edelstahl-Politur eignet sich besonders, verblichenen, matten Edelstahlglanz wieder aufzufrischen, Flugrost von Edelstahl-Oberflächen zu entfernen (kleine braune Flecken). Außerdem isoliert und konserviert AUTOSOL® Edelstahl-Politur die Edelstahl-Oberfläche.


Teileoberfläche reinigen/waschen (Oberfläche muss frei von Staub, Straßendreck und Erde sein), AUTOSOL® Edelstahl-Politur dünn auf die Oberfläche auftragen (Bereich ca. 20cm in der Länge), danach mit einem weichen Lappen mit leichtem Druck, kreisförmig die Paste abreiben/polieren. Der Vorgang kann bei Bedarf 3-5 x wiederholen werden, bis das gewünschte Ergebnis erzielt wurde.


Um maximale Sicherheit zu gewährleisten, überprüfen Sie bitte ca. 1-2 Wochen nach der Montage Ihres neuen Autozubehörs alle Schrauben auf Ihren festen Sitz und ziehen Sie diese ggf. noch einmal nach. Wir empfehlen alle Schrauben und Halterungen einmal im Jahr zu überprüfen.

The Troop 2 roof rack will fit your Toyota Land Cruiser Colorado 1995-2002 and is a hugely popular expedition roof rack, which is clearly due to the robust design and the amazing stability. This very traditional roof rack has been tried and tested under the harshest conditions such as the Australian outback or the rugged terrain of the Middle East.

What makes the Troop 2 such a perfect roof rack is the fully integrated, raised guard rail which runs the whole perimeter of the base. This rail sits firmly above the floor section and easily prevents loads from moving around. Loads can then be stacked up in confidence that no matter what challenges the Troop 2 will face, it will meet them head on!

The The Troop 2 is the perfect solution for storing cases, wheels, bikes or anything you need for the long journey.

Features Include:

  • Full 2 stage, black powder coated Q235A steel (genuine powder coated and not just spray painted) for a longer life.
  • Massive, 32 mm (1.25 inch) diameter tube, sub frame system! This runs around the outer perimeter and across the centre at 4 intervals, creating the toughest possible construction. The corners are mandrel bent rather than welded making the run seamless.
  • The impressive guard rail is the same thickness diameter tube as the base frame, and is amalgamated to the base with box section, welded, steel uprights.
  • Tough, sturdy floor surface which consists of fully welded mesh base, the mesh squares are 25 mm x 25 mm, to give a strong and safe platform. They are welded right up to the edge of the sub frame.
  • Traditional, fully raised guard rail section, enables you to use it for securely keeping large loads within the rack
  • Front spotlight points. There are a series of spotlight mounting holes (12mm diameter) along the front edge. With potential of adding up to 5 spotlights.
  • The guard rails have 10 tough lashing hooks welded to it, 2 on the front,2 on the back and 4 on each side, enabling you to firmly tie loads securely to the base.
  • There are also two brilliantly useful accessory mounts at the front and rear, where you can mount a search light, work light, beacon, radio ariel etc  directly above the drivers window for the front mount, so you can simply reach up and adjust when needed.
  • 6 x Massive, heavy duty brackets which fix using 6 x 8mm bolts per bracket! Each bracket fixes to the roof gutter using the hooking mechanism.
  • Out of the box full rack rather than the weaker modular racks.
  • Even the nuts used are nylock ones rather than standard!
  • Makes packing up easier as everything is already attached to the vehicle.


  • The weight of the rack is 61kg - super heavy duty!
  • The bracket height (from gutter to the base of the rack) is 125 mm (5 inches) 
  • The length is 1800mm (71 inches).
  • The width is 1240mm (49 inches).
  • The brackets are 125mm (5 inches) high.
  • Easy bracket assembly.
  • Strong construction.
  • Please note: This steel roof rack is designed to fit only to vehicles with rain gutters, but with very simple additions (not included with the kit) would also mount to raised cross bars or roof rails.

This is a brilliant addition to your Toyota Land Cruiser Colorado 1995-2002 and comes foam wrapped and boxed for a safe delivery. Vat is included in the price and a receipt will be sent with the delivery